Why is my new domain showing up on a "Parked for Free by Exelwebs.com" page?

All newly registered domains and domains without active hosting accounts are automatically parked by Exelwebs.
To "unpark" your domain follow the following procedure:
  • Log into your client area on exelwebs
  • Click "Domains"
  • Click the green "Active" button next to the domain you want to "unpark"
  • Click "domainparking" on the left menu
  • Click "Unpark the domain"
Your domain should be unparked now.

Next you need to update the Name Servers to point the domain to your new hosting account.
  • Click "Nameservers" on the left menu
  • Click "Use custom nameservers"
  • Enter your name servers as given in your hosting account
  • Scroll down and click the blue "Change Nameservers" button
  • 3 Users Found This Useful
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